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Found 6,616 records
ID Item name Type Price
9552 Lv55 Cloak of Evanescence Armor $71,887
9551 Lv45 Mantle of the Cursed Flame Armor $48,637
9550 Lv35 Mantle of the Naga Armor $29,887
9549 Lv65 Kris of the Sphinx Dagger $66,425
9548 Lv55 Tooth of Evanescence Dagger $47,925
9547 Lv45 Tooth of the Cursed Dagger $32,425
9546 Lv35 Tooth of Specter Dagger $19,925
9545 Lv65 Robe of the Sphinx Armor $66,425
9544 Lv55 Robe of Malediction Armor $47,925
9543 Lv45 Robe of Abraxas Armor $32,425
9542 Lv65 Staff of the Sphinx Short Staff $66,425
9541 Lv55 Staff of Mirage Short Staff $47,925
9540 Lv45 Staff of Abraxas Short Staff $32,425
9539 Lv65 Robe of Enigma Armor $66,425
9538 Lv55 Robe of the Arcane Armor $47,925
9537 Lv45 Coat of Invocation Armor $32,425
9536 Lv35 Robe of the Venom Witch Armor $19,925
9535 Lv65 Staff of Enigma Short Staff $66,425
9534 Lv55 Staff of Evanescence Short Staff $47,925
9533 Lv45 Staff of Incantation Short Staff $32,425
9532 Lv35 Staff of the Avenger Short Staff $19,925
9531 Lv65 Rifle of Enigma Firegun $66,425
9530 Lv55 Bellow of Evanescence Firegun $47,925
9529 Lv45 Kiss of the Cursed Firegun $32,425
9528 Lv35 Touch of Death Firegun $19,925
9527 Lv65 Mantle of Enigma Armor $66,425
9526 Lv55 Coat of Evanescence Armor $47,925
9525 Lv45 Corset of Incantation Armor $32,425
9524 Lv35 Robe of Death Armor $19,925
9523 Lv65 Blade of Enigma Sword $66,425